Weekly Yoga Classes With Dagmar on Zoom

Yoga is your best tool to get through these challenging times with more ease and grace... Your nervous system will thank you.


Sign Up for Single Classes or Buy Discounted Class Packages

You can choose between gentle Vinyasa Flow, and Yin Yoga classes designed to create strength in your body while softening your heart. My classes are for all levels and offer modifications. Sign up for single classes or buy discounted class packages. You'll receive the Zoom link once your booking is confirmed.


Single Classes


Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class on Sundays

My Flow classes are designed to connect you deeper to your core and soften your heart. Synchronizing breath with asana into a moving meditation, leaving you feeling grounded, deeply nourished and inspired.



Vinyasa Flow on Tuesday

My Flow classes are designed to connect you deeper to your core and soften your heart. Synchronizing breath with asana into a moving meditation, leaving you feeling grounded, deeply nourished and inspired.


Yin Yoga Class on Thursday

A wonderful, deeply nourishing practice to release stress and relax your mind. All postures are seated or lying down and we are working with the connective tissue instead of muscles. This practice cultivates acceptance and learning to get behind the stories in our head.


Single-Class Replay

You can also buy single-class replays. These classes are raw, unedited, and were first live-streamed over Zoom—they are perfectly imperfect! Each class is about 75 minutes in length and I am usually practicing along with you.

Very happy for your online classes—and grateful, for they have been a life-saver. I thank you very much for the introduction to yoga. I follow other practice online and result in minor injury or soreness. I practice with you and feel like I've had a complete body massage! You are truly a master.

—Bonna-Michele, Yoga Student

Class Packages


Don't like to pay for every single class? This package is great to commit to a regular practice. I look forward to sharing with you!

  • Choice between Vinyasa Flow and Yin classes each week to see what suits you best
  • 4 Live classes that you can schedule any days you want, and reschedule if you find out you won't be able to attend live
  • Unlimited video access to a growing library of recorded Zoom classes so you can practice at your own time, whenever and wherever
  • Raw, unedited and uncut replays from ongoing livestreams classes that you can pause, rewind and replay

Your Price: $60 $50 ONLY



Join my unlimited Video Membership for access to a growing library of recorded Zoom classes! Enjoy all replays from ongoing livestreams classes at your own time. This library will be updated with new recordings weekly.

  • Choice between Vinyasa Flow and Yin class videos to see what suits you best
  • Unlimited video access to a growing library of recorded Zoom classes so you can practice at your own time, whenever and wherever
  • Raw, unedited and uncut replays from ongoing livestreams classes that you can pause, rewind and replay

*You can also buy single-class replays if you don't want the monthly option.

Your Price: $100 $33/MONTH


Thank you for showing up for yourself! Great commitment, I look forward to seeing you in class!

  • Choice between Vinyasa Flow and Yin classes each week to see what suits you best
  • 10 Live classes that you can schedule any days you want, and reschedule if you find out you won't be able to attend live
  • Unlimited video access to a growing library of recorded Zoom classes so you can practice at your own time, whenever and wherever
  • Raw, unedited and uncut replays from ongoing livestreams classes that you can pause, rewind and replay

Your Price: $150 $100 ONLY

I just finished the replay from Sunday and it was such a beautiful class. Thank you so much! It was one of those times where you spoke straight to a deep part of me and my present experience. Thank you for everything always. I love to stay with you rather than going back to my studio! I’m so loving yoga at home.

—Erin, Yoga Student

Schedule Your Class Below

Watch Single-Class Replays



Your most commonly asked questions, answered :)

How does it work?

Sign up for your desired class here at least 30 minutes before class. You’ll receive an email with the Zoom link that will take you right to the “studio.” Please arrive at least 5 minutes before class starts. If you buy a 4- or 10-class card, you’ll receive an email with a link to schedule your classes.

What if I bought a class but can’t make it?

You can easily reschedule your class through the system, otherwise send an email at dagmar [at] dagmarspremberg [dot] com and I’ll help you out.

What do you recommend for online yoga?

I’ve tried a few ways and here’s my best suggestion: Have a “designated” spot. Bring water and props. Use one of my Spotify playlists by opening another window on your computer or use the app on your phone. For a bonus, connect AirPods.

Any chance I can ask questions in class?

YES! I love the feeling of community and there is always time before or after class to ask questions or share experiences. We all learn from each other and can lift each other up!

I feel like [the Zoom yoga sessions] have been one of the really good blessings that have come out of this pandemic, doing yoga with you over the past year even though I did mine mainly via the replays. I really enjoy your yoga classes, they’re the best... I also love how you give detailed instructions during the poses so that I can do most of it without even looking now and you give some very important instructions where paying attention to those details makes a huge difference.

—Janet M., Yoga Student